Master Instructor Certification Course (MICC) 

In 2007, the POST Commission approved “The Instructor Development Institute” (IDI). The institute provides standardized, multi-level, multi-track programs to develop professionalism in the delivery of law enforcement instruction.  Prior to 2007, the Master Instructor Development Program (MIDP) was the primary advanced instructor development program in POST.  With the implementation of IDI, Master Instructor Certification Course (MICC) became the fourth level of a modular development process.  The IDI process provides a tiered approach to law enforcement instructor development, grounded in contemporary adult learning methodologies, critical thinking, taxonomies of learning, effective presentation, facilitation and course design skills.

The focus of MICC is for students to design, develop and deliver a course needed by California law enforcement/public safety dispatchers. MICC students will do this using the components of an Instructional Systems Design (ISD) process and the development of a Total Training Package (TTP). 

The program is designed to include a variety to workshops, in which students will have deliverables due at each workshop. MICC students are expected to do a significant amount of work outside of class but will have a variety of resources available to them to support their success. Each student will be assigned to a main course facilitator and a mentor (MICC graduate), both of whom will serve as reviewers of work products throughout the program around course design and development.  

MICC Application Process

Admission into the MICC program requires successful completion of Levels 1 through 3 of the IDI program and acceptance of your application. The MICC application requires students to demonstrate how they have applied knowledge and skills taught throughout the levels, as well as propose a course project topic. Students must have an approved course project topic prior to attending the first MICC workshop. 

Below are the required application documents for MICC. These must be fully completed and submitted to Marisa Messier by June 1, 2024.  Acceptance into the program will be confirmed by June 10, 2024. MICC 15 dates have been posted below.

MICC Application: MICC Application_Updated Oct 2023

MICC Concept Paper Template: Concept-Paper-Template-Updated-2023 Nov

MICC Program Overview

Orientation and Training Needs Assessment Workshop (24-hours)

The Orientation and Training Needs Assessment (TNA) Workshop is designed to provide the student with clarity on the overall MICC process and prepare them to launch into the TNA process. During this workshop, students will begin formal work on a Training Needs Assessment (TNA) document in support of their course project.  This will include research, interviews with subject matter experts and other methods designed to provide data necessary for a full training needs assessment. 

Progress Workshop #1 (24-hours)

During Progress Workshop #1, students will interpret data they received during the needs assessment process, finalizing their Training Needs Assessment and begin planning for the Instructional Systems Design (ISD) process as it relates to their individual course.  

Core Workshop (40-hours)

The Core Workshop focuses on applying the Instructional Systems Design process to their course of instruction. Students will learn the steps of the ISD process, collaborate on the individual pieces, interpret the data they received during the needs assessment process and apply it to their course design. 

Progress Workshop #2 and #3 (24-hours each)

During these Progress Workshops, students will finalize the components of their Instructional Systems Design, begin and finalize the development of the Total Training Package (TTP) as well as plan for the delivery of their course to their target demographic. Students will work one-on-one and in teams and with their facilitators to evaluate their progress. 

Validation Workshop (32-hours)

During this workshop, student course work (ISD & TTP) will be reviewed by a panel. The panel will provide feedback on the course development and design, including recommendations for course effectiveness and delivery. In addition, students will facilitate a portion of their actual course, inclusive of a learning activity, and be evaluated by the panel. Upon completion of both components, students will be thoroughly debriefed and have an opportunity to correct any required changes to their course. 

Course Implementation

Between Validation Workshop and Graduation, students will be required to set up and implement their course project to their targeted student demographic. MICC candidates will be responsible for all aspects of their course marketing, implementation and management. These courses will be delivered tuition free to the targeted public safety audience. Upon completion, MICC candidates will complete an evaluation and submit their course roster and student evaluations for review. 


During this piece, students will participate in a full program debrief as well as attend a formal graduation.

Certification as a Master Instructor does not take place until the following requirements have been met:

  • Creation and completion of a course of instruction that meets a law enforcement training or public safety dispatcher training need (ISD & TTP).
  • Presentation of this course to the appropriate audience (course implementation) and submission of required evaluations documents to Government Training Agency (GTA).
  • Submission to the Government Training Agency (GTA) of a final, approved version of their ISD and TTP. 

You are not considered to have completed the program until all of these requirements have been fulfilled.

Note: It is certainly desired that your course be POST certified and a benefit to the law enforcement attendees, and we have worked at great lengths to ensure that it is, but there are never any guarantees that you will get it POST certified. Not having POST Certification does not relieve you from the above requirements, you must still present your course for you to be considered a graduate of the program.  There are many MIDP/MICC students who have successfully presented their courses within their agencies and in other venues without POST certification.

MICC Class 15 (2024-2025):

Information Meeting: June 11, 2024, 10am-12pm via Zoom

Orientation & TNA Workshop: August 6-8, 2024
Progress Workshop #1: September 9-11, 2024
Core Workshop: November 18-22, 2024
Progress Workshop #2: January 14-16, 2025
Progress Workshop #3: February 25-27, 2025
Validation Workshop: April 28-May 1, 2025
Graduation: June 24-25, 2025

If you are interested in MICC Class 15, please register below to receive updated information about the application process and future dates. 

Course Fee Information: 

Reimbursement Plan IV: There is no tuition for POST reimbursable agencies. Travel reimbursement is reimbursable via Training Reimbursement Request (TRR).

If you have any questions, please contact Marisa Messier via email or phone (858) 550-0040.