Here to Help

Below is a listing of staff and their primary program responsibilities, this is not a complete program listing so if you don’t see the program or course listed here please contact any of us at we will direct your email to the appropriate staff member.

Michael Gray

Executive Director
(858) 550-0040 x203
  • Executive/Administrative Functions
  • City/County Manager Group
  • POST Management Program
  • Leadership courses
  • Public Agency Courses
  • Team-building
  • Organizational Consulting

Marisa Messier

Director of Training
(858) 550-0040 x202
Program Responsibility:
  • Instructor Development Institute (IDI)
  • Institute of Criminal Investigations (ICI)
  • VAWA Grant (Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Courses)
  • Command College
  • Human Resources

Peggy Wan

Accounting Manager
(858) 550-0040 x206

Jared Gonzalez

Program Assistant
(858) 550-0040 x209

Course Responsibility:

  • Institute of Criminal Investigations (ICI) Courses

Aniessa Gomez

Program Assistant
(858) 550-0040 x208

Course Responsibility:

  • Instructor Development Institute (IDI) Courses
  • POST Management Course

Alyssa Isaaks

Program Assistant
(858) 550-0040 x207

Course Responsibility:

  • Command College
  • POST Tuition Based Courses – Traffic, ICI Advanced Child Abuse, Search Warrant & Media Relations
  • SRO Grant
  • MACC
  • Public Agency Courses

Alicia Shade

Program Assistant
(858) 550-0040 x205

Course Responsibility:

  • Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Courses (VAWA Grant)
  • POST Tuition Based Courses – Records, Records Supervisor, ICI MSDU, Crime & Intelligence Analysis, Court & Temp


Administrative Assistant
(858) 550-0040 x201
Course Responsibility:
  • County Contracts