Course Description

This course is designed for instructors selected to teach in an ICI Core Course or ICI Foundation Specialty Courses. The ICI Instructor Course (ICII) is required by POST regulation for these instructors. This course utilizes an adult, experience-based model that is used throughout the Institute in the various investigative training courses.

Phase One (three days) of the course focuses on developing/enhancing facilitation skills, presentation skills and the use of learning activities in the classroom. Students actively participate in a variety of learning activities then transition to designing, developing and documenting new learning activities for use in their ICI modules of instruction.

Between Phases One and Two, a mentor will be assigned to assist the student in all learning and learning activity development. The mentor is a very positive part of this program and they are there to be a partner in the student’s success.

During Phase Two (two days), approximately two to four weeks after Phase One, participants submit a documented learning activity summary and facilitate their learning activity in a classroom environment with their peer students as learners. All students are formally debriefed and receive constructive feedback from their peers and the course facilitator cadre.

Upon successful conclusion of Phase Two, students move to Phase Three where a POST Master Instructor formally evaluates the student facilitating a live ICI course. Successful completion of the Phase Three evaluation qualifies the student to receive certification as an ICI instructor.

IMPORTANT: Please come to this course with a laptop computer and an assigned ICI lesson to teach. If you are an ICI course administrator and are attending to learn the process, please come with an idea of a lesson that you will teach, such as the introduction, etc. You will develop a new learning activity for this portion of your ICI course. If any student is unsure of the lesson you will teach, please contact your local ICI course administrator or presenter who assigned you to this training. Bring all lesson materials that you currently have (lesson plans, PowerPoint’s, handout material, etc.) used in your ICI training module/course. Students are also encouraged to bring thumb drives to save and move files around during the program. This will allow you to work from already established document templates.

PRESENTERS and COURSE ADMINISTRATORS: If you have signed someone up to attend this course; please ensure they are provided a copy of these instructions and that they understand the course expectations. Following this process helps ensure they return to you having successfully completed the ICI instructor training requirements.

Course Topics

  • Adult Learning
  • Learning Activity Development
  • Instructional Methodologies
  • Emerging Technology
  • Learning Objectives
  • Group Process
  • Lesson Plans and Learning Activity Summaries
  • Learning Taxonomies
  • Evaluation Instruments
  • Facilitation Skills
  • Practice, Practice, Practice

Course Certification Number Phase I: 9070-26002
Course Certification Number Phase II: 9070-26003
There is no Course Certification Number for Phase III, but certification requires an ICII student be observed teaching and signed off by a POST Master Instructor
Total Course Certification Hours
: 40 

POST Reimbursement Plan IV: There is no tuition for POST reimbursable agencies. Travel reimbursement is available via Training Reimbursement Request (TRR).
*Please note, there are no Letters of Agreement (LOA) for travel reimbursement anymore for this program

Non-POST Reimbursable agencies: There is no tuition as long as the individual is teaching within the ICI program. There is no reimbursement for travel and per diem.

Course Dates:

Class #103 – Sacramento Area
Phase I:
March 4-6, 2025
Phase II:
April 1-2, 2025

Class #104 – San Diego
Phase I:
May 13-15, 2025
Phase II:
June 10-11, 2025

ICI Instructor, Class 103 – Sacramento
March 04, 2025 - April 02, 2025

ICI Instructor, Class 104 – San Diego
May 13, 2025 - June 11, 2025

Register for ICI Instructor Course →