Course Description

This 40-hour course will provide investigators with the information and skills to successfully investigate gang related crimes and testify as a gang expert. The course is designed for active, hands-on participation by all students. Course work will include preparation for submitting a gang wiretap affidavit, understanding gang association warrants, a review of both prosecution and defense strategies in gang cases, and preparing for expert testimony. The seminar will conclude with a mock–courtroom exercise, administered by gang D.A.’s. The student will have an opportunity to practice their gang expert testimony skills with both direct and cross examination.

Course Topics

The topics for the Advanced Gangs Course are currently under revision to align with the new ICI Gangs Foundation Specialty Course.

Course Prerequisites

There are several prerequisites for the ICI Advanced Gang Investigations course. You must meet all of these in order to attend this course. While this is not a search warrant writing class, it is recognized that writing a proper search warrant in relation to gang investigations is essential to successful investigations. With that in mind, the following have been established as a minimum baseline for students attending this course:

    • Attended the two week ICI Core Course
      Taken the POST Online “Search Warrant Fundamentals” Class on the POST Learning Portal (must print and bring certificate of completion). The Learning Portal can be accessed at Completion of this online class does give 3 hours of CPT credit.

If you have any questions or issues about these prerequisites, please contact the GTA/RTC as soon as possible.

Course Certification Number: 9070-23181
Course Certification Hours: 40

Course Fee Information:

POST Reimbursement Plan IV: There is no tuition for POST reimbursable agencies. Travel reimbursement is available via Training Reimbursement Request (TRR).

Non-POST Reimbursable agencies: Tuition is $1,036.56 for FY2425. There is no reimbursement for travel and per diem.

DISCLAIMER: Priority enrollment for this course is to law enforcement investigators from POST participating agencies.

09/30-10/04/2024 – San Diego
September 30, 2024 - October 04, 2024
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

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